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Meeting called to order at 3:35pm by President Lacey Ferguson
Officer’s Reports
President – Lacey Ferguson: no updates
Vice President – Amber Hodge: not present/no noted updates
Secretary – Andrea Lorenz: Approval of February board meeting minutes Feb Meeting Notes. Liz calls for approval of February board meeting minutes. Lacey seconds. Meeting minutes approved.
Treasurer – Liz McDaniel: Treasurer’s report has been updated; a small error was found and was corrected. Note that budget lines for field trips does include cost for bus transportation. Reminder that IA’s have $100 to spend.
Communications Coordinator – Jordan Farhat: no updates
Website Coordinator – Jessica O’Rear: no updates
Grant/Fundraising Coordinator – Haley MacLean: no updates
Current Events
Scholastic Book Fair Recap (Jordan & Jessica): The book fair was 6 days long and brought in a total of $5,659 ($750 cash /$1,895 in scholastic dollars). For next year, we might consider shortening the shopping window so we are not open as long during the school day, but would still include a family night for shopping with movie night (opening it prior for families to come shop before and closing it when the movie begins to allow for volunteers to begin cleaning up). Suggestion that the book fair could be open during conferences since parents will be coming in to meet with teachers, which would mean 3 days open during school and open during conferences.
Movie Night Recap (Jordan/Liz): The movie was Sing 2 which was close to a 2 hr movie. Thoughts for next year: select a movie closer to 1.5 hours and will request that one or two teachers will stay for the full length of the movie next year as it really helps with student behavior management. Next year possibly have a color room again for kids who would like a break from the movie. Suggestion to include expectations on the flier and/or also have teachers go over behavior expectations during class.
Art Night/Auction Recap (Lacey/Jessica): This event had a lower turn out this year, but we received great feedback from those who attended who said it was wonderful. Pictures from the event have been updated on the bulletin board and the handprints that students decorated are up in the hallway. We had a tattoo station, bead craft to make snakes/bracelets with beads and pipe cleaners, and paint your own sugar cookie. We also had a balloon artist who donated his time to the PTO. In previous years this event was hosted in April on a Saturday – this year it was held in March on a Friday that there was no school (note that it was also a sunny day) which may have contributed to lower turn out. The auction did not do as well as years past. We did not meet our goal of $5,000. It was difficult to find volunteers. Art work was up for display on the walls and parents were invited to take their child’s art at the end of the night. Suggestion for next year: Presentation or kids performance. “Dinner theater”: dessert event. Also considering pairing it with Bingo again.
Dine Out with Dilley at Papa Johns Recap (Haley): We did good! Haley picked up the $400 check today, compared to last year’s earnings of $250. Papa Johns told Haley this was the highest earning fundraiser they’ve done.
Conference Recap (Jessica): Papa John’s pizza was purchased for the teacher’s dinner (paired perfectly on a Dine out for Dilley day). Prime time lunch boxes turned out great; good feedback on them and as a bonus Prime time put names on all the boxes. Vegan teachers received meals as well.
Upcoming Events
Track Update (Amber): Bark chips will be ordered within the next 2 months and PTO will begin requesting volunteers. Little league will request volunteers as well.
Bottle Drop Earth Day Drive (Lacey): Scheduled for April 22th- May 4th; Each student will receive a bag. Parents are encouraged to drop off at bottle drop themselves and not at Dilley.
Kinder Round Up (Jessica): PTO will have a table at this event this year with info on how to get involved for incoming parents. PTO will have a “Signing Day” theme with a backdrop. Kindergarten jumpstart info will hopefully be released soon so parents can be informed at Kinder Round up. Jump start will be at Harvey Clark as Dilley will be closed all summer for updates.
PTO Board Nominations: Starting April 29th – May 19th for the ‘24-’25 school year. Jen Walsh and Ahmed Farhat to head the committee.
New Business
Dilley Garden Info (Lindsey): There are 4 garden seedlings kits available to teachers on a first come, first serve basis. The three picnic tables have been removed and new tables are being ordered.
Yearbook (Liz): Friendly reminder/ask all teachers to upload photos for the yearbook. Can upload or email to Deadline for customized pages is April 30th. Deadline for all photos is May 1st. Scholarships of $250 available. $500 scholarship line in addition that has not been tapped into this year. Cost of yearbook with softcover is $22.31 hardcover is $28.85 ($5/ purchase comes back to the PTO which is used to fund the scholarships for next year). Theme is under the sea.
Volunteer Appreciation: Teachers have something in the works…more info to come. PTO voted in a small budget line for volunteer appreciation through the PTO.
Bus driver appreciation day: Coming up at the end of April. PTO will be sending coloring sheets to teachers for students to color and hand it directly to bus drivers.
School wide field trip: wanting to vote in a budget line for this event next year. If class sizes are similar next year; need to pay attention to incoming class sizes.
May Dine out for Dilley: Pink Spoon! Will need to select a date in May on Monday – Thursday except May 6th.
Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 4:20pm
Dilley PTO is a 501(c)3 nonprofit status organization. EIN 90-0898449. All donations are tax-deductible.
Notice of Nondiscrimination: All educational and non-academic programs, activities and employment opportunities at Dilley Elementary are offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, age and/or, disability, and any other class or characteristic protected by law.
© 2022 Dilley PTO. All Rights Reserved.