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September 26

Dilley’s Hoop-A-Thon event is a slam-dunk fundraiser where students showcase their free-throw skills for 5 whole minutes!  Depending on their grade, they shoot from specific spots while helpful volunteers fetch balls, tally baskets, and keep score of each student’s achievements.

Our goal of $5,000 will be used to support teachers, enrich classrooms, fund field trips, provide new books at the school, and so much more. Let’s make this fundraiser the best yet!

We need volunteers to make this event a success! Sign up to volunteer here.

Employer Contribution/Match Opportunity

Do you know of a company interested in contributing or matching donations for the Dilley Hoop-a-Thon?

The Dilley Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(3)c Non-Profit Organization. It will gladly coordinate with companies willing to pledge for this (and any) fundraising event! We can provide appropriate tax documentation upon request for a company wanting to participate. 

Please send the company name, contact information, and pledge interest to info@dilleypto.com, and we will follow up directly to coordinate pledges!


Date: September 26


Dilley Elementary
4115 SW Dilley Rd
Forest Grove, OR 97116 United States