February 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order at 3:32pm

  1. Officer’s Reports

    1. President – Lacey Ferguson: no updates

    2. Vice President – Amber Hodge: no updates

    3. Secretary – Andrea Lorenz: no updates

    4. Treasurer – Liz McDaniel: board voted in an approval for a new budget line for a coin counter. It has arrived & is here at the school.

    5. Communications Coordinator – Jordan Farhat: no updates

    6. Website Coordinator – Jessica O’Rear: no updates

    7. Grant/Fundraising Coordinator – Haley MacLean: no updates

  1. Current Events

    1. Piccolo Mondo Toys Fundraiser $ Update (Haley): In process of reaching out to see what the outcome/amount raised was.

    2. Spirit Week/Switcheroo Recap (Lacey/Amber): Cookies, cocoa and coloring sheets. We did go a little over budget to pick up more cocoa the day of as we ran out.  Next year’s plan is to up the budget amount to cover this. 

    3. Coin Drive/Pack the Pig Recap (Amber/Andrea): We were below our goal of $1,500 by about $40. Money has been deposited into our bank account.  The money from 99 pledges was directly deposited into the account today.  The ice cream party for 1st grade winners will be held on 2/16 at 1pm. (options will avoid peanuts as at least one kiddo has an allergy). Note to consider for next year: making it a different time of year or making a change in the focus to online/cash. 

    4. Dine Out w/Dilley at Vex Recap (Haley): It was held on a Sunday night and the turn out was not what we were hoping for. The chef was out sick so the food was not available. About $400 worth of sales in total so the PTO portion will be around $60.

    5. Scholastic Book Fair (Jordan & Jessica): The book fair is open until Saturday night after movie night. The till was $80 short at the end of the day yesterday.  We are considering this a theft.  We have reached out to the rep .  Protocols in place now are the keys are locked away and til has been counted multiple times throughout the day by two board members. 

  1. Upcoming Events

    1. Movie Night (Jordan/Liz): Coming up this Saturday at 6pm. Playing Sing 2. This is a free event and concessions will be open with presales available online for a $1 discount.

    2. Art Night/Auction (Lacey/Jessica): Lacey is chair of the event side and Jessica is chairing the auction.  Kellie Nodland will be heading up decorating sugar cookies. Jordan & Andrea will be heading the craft side: 3 crafts to do during the event and one community craft to hang in the hallway after the event.  Free event with a suggested donation amount. Friday March 8th. Setting up the night before with a 3 hour shift the day of, to finish setting up. No school on Friday March 8th. The Auction will be a sneak peak and the auction starts online when the event begins. $3,000 in value currently with donations for the auction with a month out (accepting donations up until the event).  All art projects due by March 1st to allow time to get pictures and load them to the auction site.  PTO has offered to help if any teachers would like assistance with the classroom art project for the auction.  

    3. Dine Out with Dilley at Papa Johns (Haley): Wednesday, March 20th. Taking place during conferences so PTO will order the Wednesday dinner conference meal for teachers from Papa Johns. All orders made this day will be included in the total percentage donated to the PTO (not required to say “Dilley” at check out)

    4. Conferences (Jessica): Will be ordering the conference meal for Wednesday night from Papa Johns as it falls on Dine out for Dilley day.  Will include gluten and vegan free options. Thursday for lunch looking at Prime time boxes with sandwiches. As it gets closer Jessica will be sending out an email to collect orders. 

  1. New Business

    1. Track Update/Needs (Amber): Waiting until spring so the ground can dry out before the chips are delivered. Little league will be working on the field: Grading and planting grass.  PTO will reach out for parent volunteers for a Saturday in spring to lay the bark.  Hoping to get this project completed in time to use on field day. 

    2. Lindsay will send an order request for new picnic tables to Treasurer Liz to purchase. 

    3. Read across America: Lacey/Jordan will make a flier and promote on social media.  Feb 26th – March 1st is read across America & spirit week.

    4. Reader Board: voted in money at the beginning of the year to clean it up and do some general maintenance. Ahmed Farhat has volunteered to take this project on.  

    5. PTO approved a request from Mr. Allen for an off school assembly.  PTO will be covering the cost of buses and admission money to attend the Theater in the Grove.  Assembly budget left is around $900.

  1. Adjourn: meeting adjourned by President Lacey Ferguson at 4:08 pm