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March General Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Dilley Library & Zoom
Meeting called to order at 3:33 PM by Amber Hodge
Officer’s Reports
Current Events
Book Fair Results – We were able to provide all students (used all of the All of the Books donations from parents and Scholastic funds) not able to otherwise purchase a book with the opportunity to take one home. Net profit was $5,020.72 through Scholastic, which will be taken as partial cash payout and partial Scholastic dollars to ensure we have a buffer of funds in this account for the future (mix of $725 in cash cash and $1,060 Scholastic dollars).
Movie Night Results – Estimating a $100 profit, which was not expected. Still finalizing the accounting and balancing against reimbursement receipts submitted.
Papa John’s Fundraiser Results – Lacey reports that the franchise shared that this was the busiest fundraiser they have ever had. We received a check for $350.
Read-a-Thon Information – Liz developed additional incentives (pie in Mr. Allens face, school dance party, etc). Reading sheets will be distributed to classrooms (in the case they want to log their reading manually vs. online). Attendees discussed the tech side of logging minutes and complexities/challenges and best practices for how to accurately capture all students. Liz et al will make sure all students are entered into the Read-a-thon platform so teachers can enter classroom reading for all. Discussed prizes (top prizes for top earner and top prizes for minutes read), rewards and incentives. Over $900 of money already brought in, we keep 75% of profit, 25% goes to the Read-a-thon platform. Teachers will go over the prizes with classes on Friday. Lacey will email the visuals/images for teachers to show students. Lacey also created a dolphin to color in as minutes are achieved that will be placed in front of the office.
Upcoming Events
Art Gala Update – Work in process. Donations are still coming in. Lacey is encouraging teachers to get creative with parties or gifts. La Pandera are donating conchas. Not tamales.
Child Protection Information – Dayle Henderson is gearing up to provide training for families. While it’s been a few years since this training has taken place in-person, Dayle shares that there are typically 10-15 individuals who attend and that PTO typically provides childcare, cookies, and coffee. Liz and Amber will provide childcare. PTO will provide the budget support for this event.
Bingo Night – Jessica O’rear and Lacey Ferguson are coordinating ‘Glo Bingo’ which is a scheduled
Free BINGO event. Extra cards are $4 online, $5 in person. There will also be a book swap table to encourage read-a-thon. Teachers estimated that this event will draw at least 200 attendees. Discussed technology for multiple rooms and if we’re able to cast, zoom screen share, or utilize capabilities to provide multiple room access.
Reader Board Update – Reader board is on hold. There is a code in Washington County that restricts electronic reader boards 95 feet from the road. Jessica will continue working on this. The current quote we received was for the most robust board and was $14k. Lindsey will reach out to Washington County Code Enforcement Officer and Land Use and Transportation.
4th Grade Field Trip Update (transportation) – Liz is working on this and has received quotes but still continues to seek the best option.
Conference Teacher Meals – 3/22 (evening) – 3/23 (full-day) Mercedes will coordinate this. No meal preferences. Candi Marshall will inquire with licensed staff about dietary restrictions and report back.
Pink Spoon Fundraiser – 5/17 Pink Spoon fundraiser. During this fundraiser customers have to mention that they are here for the fundraiser at check-out versus all revenue automatically being directed toward our fundraiser.
PTO Elections (April) – Non-PTO volunteers must participate, create/accept nominations, create ballots, and handle all aspects of the PTO Elections. This process has to be completed by the PTO meeting in May.
Message from our Principal Mr. Allen – FGSD Portrait of a graduate initiative. Looking for feedback from parents regarding their thoughts on this initiative. Discussed and decided Mr. Allen would utilize ParentSquare to encourage feedback.
New Business –
BottleDrop Earth Day fundraiser, 4/7-4/20
Budget planning – Add to April PTO board meeting agenda. Survey to families and collaborative budget building process.
Adjourn – 4:26 P
Dilley PTO is a 501(c)3 nonprofit status organization. EIN 90-0898449. All donations are tax-deductible.
Notice of Nondiscrimination: All educational and non-academic programs, activities and employment opportunities at Dilley Elementary are offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, age and/or, disability, and any other class or characteristic protected by law.
© 2022 Dilley PTO. All Rights Reserved.